Entry Time: 0919
Instrument: Sell 1 Lot ATM CE and 1 Lot ATM PE based on spot price at 0919
Stop-Loss: SL 50% on each leg, adjust SL to cost for remaining leg when the SL of a leg is hit.
Overall strategy Stop-Loss: 1000 on lot size of 25
Exit Time: 1455
Slippage: 0.5%
Capital Needed: 125k to 130k per CE + PE lot. Returns mentioned in back testing and actuals are based on 130k margin
Note (11-Sep-22): Current Drawdown in back testing has gone beyond historical max draw down however in actual trades it is still below max drawdown because of using supertrend based exit in actual trades.
Note (17-Oct-22): Strategy has recovered from max drawdown and hence re-started it without supertrend exit.
Note (25-Feb-23): Not running this strategy on Thursdays and hence actual is considered as 0 for Thursday while comparing with back test results
Note (25-Sep-24): This strategy was stopped in 2023 as it was giving losses but it recovered well in 2024
Back testing and actual trades report
( Updated as of 25 Sep 24 end of day
Assuming lot size of 25 across all years)
Back testing results
Actual Trades based profit/loss
(Stopped trading this strategy from 21-Sep-22
Re-started trading on this strategy from 17-Oct-22
Stopped trading from 13-Apr-23)
Above profit doesn't include brokerage and other charges
Daily trades for Apr 2023 (BT- Back testing, ACT - Actual)
Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positive/Negative):
Historical Trades
Mar 2023
Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positive/Negative):
2-Mar-23, 9-Mar-23, 16-Mar-23, 23-Mar-23, 29-Mar-23: Not trading this strategy on Nifty expiry day (Thursdays)
Feb 2023
Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positive/Negative):
1-Feb-23: Strategy was combined with other strategy and the MTM SL of 1900 didn't get applied. Strategy is now separated from other strategy
2-Feb-23: In real trade MTM SL of 1900 was hit but in BT it wasn't hit
6-Feb-23: In BT PE leg hit SL whereas in real trade no SL was hit
15-Feb-23: Because of issue with Tradetron platform, SL didn't work
Jan 2023
Dec 2022
Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positive/Negative):
7-Dec-22 In real trade, CE leg hit the SL, whereas back testing was not able to capture this SL hit
13-Dec-22 In real trade, PE leg hit the SL at 09:37 and then CE leg hit the SL at 09:46 because of adjust to cost. In back testing CE leg hit the SL at 13:08 and PE leg didn't hit the SL
19-Dec-22 Slippage of 10 points in CE leg entry
30-Dec-22 Tried Trailing stop loss in Tradetron which didn't work as intended and squared off both legs early
Nov 2022
Oct 2022
21-Oct-22: In actual trade PE leg didn't SL because of higher entry price as compared to back testing. Sometimes 2-3 points difference in entry can make a difference in deciding whether the leg's SL gets hit or not in cases where price reach a peak and then reverts back from the peak
Sep 2022
Reason for days with high slippage (Positive/Negative):
01-Sep-22: Exited based on super trend
09-Sep-22: Exited from trade early because of Tradetron issue
16-Sep-22: Trades were entered late because of logical issue in Tradetron setup
Note (21-Aug-22): I used to run this strategy for 20 lots (CE + PE pair) in the April month but brought it quantity down to only 2 lots because of drawdown in Apr month. Now I am planning to scale it up to 4 lots.
Note (27-Aug-22) Modified SL with a supertrend based exit and reduced MTM SL of 1900
Aug 2022
11-Aug: There was a spike in PE option thereby causing high slippage when SL was hit for it
23-Aug: Exited based on supertrend
25-Aug: In back testing CE leg hit the SL whereas in actual trade it was not hit
Note: I am not a SEBI registered advisor and sharing strategies for learning purpose only
12may2022 any reason actual is positive but bt is negative.
ReplyDeleteIt is because in real trade the entry price of CE (0930 entry) was higher than what was in back testing. Because of this though in back testing CE hit a stop loss, in actual trading it didn't hit the stop loss. After hitting the SL market reversed so in BT the other side SL also got hit but in real trade as CE SL was not hit it was in profit because of reversal. Few days it can be opposite also where by few points SL will be hit in actual trade whereas in BT it will not hit SL.
DeleteIn this strategy the MTM lossfor 9.19 is rs 2000 and for 1.30 pm MTM sl is 1000 right?
DeleteAre there multiple entries in this strategy??
DeleteNo it is a single entry strategy
DeleteSir How come max loss is 16k, if SL of strategy1 is 2000 and strategy 2 is 1000. Max loss i guess should not be greater then 3000 right?
ReplyDeleteGood catch. It is 3000 only. While copy pasting formula was not applied properly and hence it was showing 16 k max loss. Will update the details based on this during the weekend
DeleteYeah. Maybe you can again re check the Max DD and the max loss as well.
Updated the details as of today. Max loss has reduced to 3k. Max DD is around the same but on different date. However days to recover MDD has reduced from 12 to 6 now
DeleteSo i Guess its good that MDD recovery has reduced from 12 to 6. ?
DeleteWhat kind of market this strategy mostly works in, in a trending direction market or in a range bound market?
ReplyDeleteGenerally the straddle with pre-defined SL works in directional as well as range bound market both. However it will not work well in V, M, W shared markets. As SL is at 50% it can handle V, M variation better as compared to the ones having lower SL. In same way if market is directional, this will give less profit than the ones with lesser SL.
DeleteBut i think if the market is direction then MTM of rs 2000 per lot will hit nearly always right? But the probability might be high is favour of the strategy to work bcos you dont expect market to be direction always right? Is this a right thinking?
DeleteNot always. If the trend is too steep and quick with increase in IV (downward trend) such as on last Friday (1-Jun) then there is more chance of this hitting MTM loss. However if the trend is gradual or with decrease in IV (upward trend) MTM SL might hold good.
DeleteHi arun
ReplyDeleteCan you pls tell how to use the modified SL on quantiply? Maybe u can help us through the screen shot
In quantiply you will see a box before Move SL to Cost text. Just select that check box to modify SL to cost when other leg's SL is hit
DeleteAnd supratrend(10,1) base exit , this setting available in quantiply?
ReplyDeleteNo this is not available in quantiply. I run this strategy in Tradetron
DeleteSir duplicate link please..
ReplyDeleteHI Arun. In Tradetron settings, I have been using Execute at Market Price. Recently have faced huge slippages in BNF options. What in your experience has been the best (LTP or Market Price execution) in terms of slippages?
ReplyDeleteI have started using LTP with retry settings to 5 ticks for 10 times and wait time 3 seconds for each modification