Entry Time: 0916 Instrument : Sell 1 Lot of OTM2 CE (ATM + 100) and PE (ATM-100) of NIFTY based on spot price at 0916 MTM SL: 500 per lot Target: 1000 per lot Exit Time: 1235 Slippage: 0.5% Capital Needed: 125k to 130k per CE + PE lot. Returns mentioned in back testing and actuals are based on 130k margin Back testing and actual trades report ( Updated as of 10 May 24) Back testing results Actual Trades based profit/loss (Started trading from 26-Jun-23 Stopped trading from 9-Feb-24 Re-started trading from 1-Mar-24) Above profit doesn't include brokerage and other charges Daily trades for Apr 2024 Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positive/Negative): 2-Apr-24: In real trade MTM SL was hit whereas in BT target profit was hit 16-Apr-24:In real trade MTM SL was hit whereas in BT target profit was hit Historical Trades Mar 2024 Reason for days with high difference b/w actual and back testing (Positiv...